The school Governing Body is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.
Our governing body is representative of both our school families and our wider community. It is represented by governors of a wide range of ages, gender, race, religion and physical ability. As such, we are confident we reflect our families and our community. We also consider diversity to mean the diverse skills and knowledge that our board possess as well as the diversity of their protected characteristics. We are fortunate to have a board which consists of a variety of knowledge, skills and experiences including backgrounds in Education, IT, Business and Finance, The Arts, Agriculture and Sport. Together they make sound, knowledge-based decisions for the efficient running of the school and children’s education.
The Governors are responsible for making sure that the school provides a high quality education for all of the children in a safe and secure environment. They set the school aims and policies, agree the budget and work with the Headteacher who has day to day responsibility for the management of the school. The full Governing Board meets at least once a term and smaller working groups also meet regularly to progress curriculum, finance and resourcing matters. Each year the Governing Body produces a report for parents, which outlines the work of the school during the year. Governors are available to discuss matters with parents at school events or by contacting the school office.
Our Body consists of 10 Governors: 2 Parent Governors, 1 LA Governor, 5 Co-opted Governors, 1 Staff Governor and the Headteacher.
The Governing Body is constituted in accordance with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012
Clerk to the Governors – Paul Douglas