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Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mr Jack Banister


At Egginton Primary School, the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, parents and staff is a key component of our school ethos. We are proud to be a family orientated, community driven school and know every pupil well. Our whole school approach is to create an environment that is safe, stable and caring. We strongly believe that a happy and healthy community can help maximise opportunities to thrive and achieve. At Egginton Primary School, we recognise the importance of resilience and communication in supporting mental health and wellbeing and believe everyone has a responsibility to promote this.

We do this by:


  • Teaching strategies to identify and manage thoughts, feelings and behaviour

  • Promoting resilience in pupils and staff with appropriate and effective training

  • Having a mental health lead, ensuring wellbeing is continuously embedded in the school’s ethos

  • Ensuring pupils and staff feel safe, supported and enabled to access help when they might need it

  • Developing a sense of belonging and participation of all within the school community

  • Encouraging positive relationships and giving pupils the opportunity to talk about concerns with peers and staff reducing stigma

  • Identifying and monitoring need and implementing practical, relevant and effective interventions which are reflective and fed back properly

  • Including a core thread running through all the curriculum, teaching and learning and other school activities that links to our whole school approach


Useful links:

CAMHS Resources

Derbyshire Mental Health Services

Guided Meditations

Go Noodle Flow

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